Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh Joy, Oh Bliss

Okay, so I'm way behind the news on this, but the other day I decided, on a whim, to re-read Elizabeth Peters' last Vicky Bliss novel, Night Train to Memphis which led me to think "Hey, it's been a while since her last book, let's check Amazon, see if there's a new Amelia Peabody book."

There wasn't a new Amelia Peabody book.

There was a new Vicky Bliss book.

The first new Vicky Bliss book in fourteen years.

Now, the Amelia Peabody books are awesome, but the Vicky Bliss books are freakin' rare from this woman. Well, okay, comaparatively rare, as in a mere five books (now six!) instead of eighteen Amelia Peabody books, not to mention the other gazillion books the woman has written.

The other good thing is that the book comes out the day after my mother's birthday, and the CD version *also* comes out the day after my mother's birthday, instead of later as used to be the case. This is good because my mother doesn't actually read books anymore. Instead, she listens to them. All the time. (Seriously, all the time. She has two iPods.) I have, therefore, ordered the audio CD for her. Unfortunately, she has an annoying habit of keeping up with this stuff herself and ordering things on her own, so I'll probably have to spill the beans to keep her from buying it.

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Blogger Cathelou said...

Interesting that you feel safe announcing this over the Internet. Obviously Mom is more caught up in listening to her iPod than in keeping up with the lives of her own children via their blogs. Sniff. Sniff.

(I can hear her response now: "You could call me, you know. But don't worry about me.")

9:52 AM  
Blogger Cathelou said...

One more thing: There is a great photo of Catalina's toes on my blog now.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Jinjifore said...

I called her the next day to make sure she wasn't going to buy the book for herself. I was just in time, too. She had already highlighted the book the day before and just hadn't gotten around to ordering it yet. :)

Catalina's toes are very adorable.

8:39 AM  
Blogger madonnaearth said...

Ooooo, thanks for posting this. I hadn't heard of this author. I clicked on the link, read the first few pages, and now I want one.

Sounds like my kind of story. Not your usual "I'm a woman that doesn't know what's going on" romance either.

10:05 AM  

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